Overturn stereotypes: Why can't men wear jewelry?
Men can definitely wear jewelry, and it's important to emphasize that before the text.

Actually this is a question read from @GoodComparison2633 , and he said:
From what I understand bracelets, chains, and many rings aren't allowed for men to wear. A man can only wear a watch and a ring. This is due to it being an imitation of women, but nowadays I see all my brothers around me doing this and it isn't seen as an imitation of women among people my age. The objections I hear are usually from older folks (25+) however societal standards change over time.
Here are some answers/conversations:
Point 1:
bracelets are worn by women. chains could be allowed, since thick chains aren't worn by women really. rings are generally allowed, scholars have differed on the type of ring, which finger, and whether it is actually Sunnah or not.
stick to a ring if u want bro. easy enough.

Point 2:
Two things to be clarified here.
Even if a billion people did something wrong, it doesn't become right. Don't look at what the others around you are doing and follow what's correct. This is a test from Allah.
I did word that badly, I meant that there are some things that you can do which are frowned upon but isn’t deemed as a a bad deed. I just wanted to know how harsh the punishment is for people who do it anyways.
A sin is a sin my brother. Don't get influenced by what's around you and focus on staying away from sins.
Isn't it important to take into consideration what actually constitutes as imitation? Few decades ago, skirts would be considered men's clothing. Now they are considered women's clothing. It's less about a billion people committing sins and more about the fact that fashion changes over time? Pants were seen as a men's only garment. Nowadays, they are gender neutral. No one looks at a woman wearing pants and thinks she is a man. On the other hand, though skirts and heels were worn by men earlier, nowadays, it's seen exclusively as women's only items. So men wearing those in today's time would raise eyebrows.
Now I might be wrong about all these and I am not passing any fatwas on halal or haram. Imitation is obviously haram. But this above passage is a question I think a lot about and the scholars should answer this if they haven't already.
Point 3:
I had no idea rings and bracelets and chains aren’t allowed for men. I thought the prophet had a ring.
He did. Two I believe.
rings and perhaps chains could be allowed. rings ofc because the Prophet salAllahu alayhi w sallam had one. the type of ring is differed upon though, and whether it is actually Sunnah to wear one as some say the Prophet salAllahu alayhi w sallam only wore it for stamping.
chains could be allowed as they are seen as something for males, really. big chains arent really worn by women. small thin chains though, are pretty much necklaces and shouldn't be worn.
Some stereotypes need to be broken. Because these things are in line with morality, in line with the progress of society, in line with the equality of human rights. 95% of my jewelry customers are men (because we focus on men's jewelry), and we prefer to make thick necklaces/bracelets/rings in order to distinguish them from women's jewelry. And most of it is made of silver, white gold plating. Now highly recognizable on men's jewelry is hip-hop style or street wear style. There may also be people who look down on men who wear jewelry, but I think, in addition to watches and wedding rings, it is feasible to start with a man-sized pendant.
In the past, women in many countries and regions were not allowed to enter politics or business, and they could only care for their husbands, teach their children, and do housework. Now, we can see those outstanding female representatives from all walks of life. I think it's great evidence of social progress. Men wear jewelry, just a small thing, should not be amplified. A progressive society would not judge men who wear jewelry normally.